...for the TRUTH

    In addition to a severe lack of faith in God, there is a world-wide dearth
    of the truth.

    Never before, have I seen such absolute apathy, pure perversion, and wanton
    wimpiness. Doesn't anyone read the Word of God anymore? Don't you know
    that Jesus LIVES? Are you not aware that we are in the throes of spiritual
    warfare, and God needs WARRIORS?!?!? Since when do WOMEN lead the
    congregations, and what has happened to our MEN? Is anybody out there who
    still knows how to put on the whole armor of God, take up arms, swagger into
    the battle, and put the enemy to flight? How much leaven are you going to

    Lord, HELP US! We have fake healers, imitating the miracles of God for
    filthy lucre - fake "Super Apostolic Ministries" (and I use the term loosely)
    sucking people into their congregations with promises of privileged
    revelations - "gold dust" falling in "church" services - "gemstones" falling
    from the sky - "disappearing diamonds" - "gateways" (those are DEMON
    portals) - "gold" teeth being put in people's mouths - and doctrines of devils.
    Wake up, CHURCH! You are asleep in the light!

    Then, we have

  • "The Purpose Driven Life"
  • "The Prayer of Jabez"
  • "The Praying Everything"  
  • "Boundaries in Marriage"

    ...and all swallowed hook, line and sinker by the Body of Christ, and passed
    around, discussed, taught on, and promoted as though they were another
    gospel! I am here to declare that the Church is WAY OFF COURSE, driven
    by every wind of doctrine, and not very effective against the enemy.

    Ever since the NIV gained preeminence in the Bible industry, I have seen
    more and more watered-down, milk-toast preaching (not where I fellowship),
    and more self-centered, self-promoting, self-protecting, selfish people leading
    congregations right down the path to destruction. If God intended for His
    people to spend their precious time:

  • discovering their "ministry" and gifts
  • retracing their past for inner healing
  • fixing everything wrong with everyone else
  • looking "inward" to discover our "higher consciousness"
  • examining our "belly buttons" (which is what it amounts to)

    ...then, why didn't Jesus teach us that by His example?

    There was a time, not in our lifetime, when people unashamedly stood up for
    the truth. WHERE are the warriors? It is my contention that my generation,
    and the younger generation, have been lulled to sleep by "The Inevitability of
    Gradualness" principle. The phenomenon is implemented thusly...

    Try this on yourself - it will best illustrate its effectiveness:

  • Lightly grasp a bit of skin underneath your arm, with your thumb and
    index finger.
  • Now, slowly squeeze - applying steady, even pressure, until the thumb
    and finger almost meet together.
  • Hold that pressure for a few seconds.
  • Slowly release the pressure, and let go of the skin.
  • Now, quickly apply the same amount of pressure, as fast as you can.

    Hurts, doesn't it?

    Another example that women who had have children will relate to:

  • Contractions start out slow and easy and gentle - some so
    gentle as to not be felt.
  • As labor progresses, the intensity and duration increase to an
    incredible level.
  • Right before the baby is born, there is an incredibly strong, sudden
    increase in pressure.
  • Generally, shortly thereafter, the baby is born, in a tremendous
    release of pressure.
  • If the hardest contractions were felt immediately, at the onset
    of labor, it would appear to be almost unbearable - but they creep
    up gradually.

    Little by little, our nation has been subjected to more and more lies,
    more and more control, and more and more decadence. The Inevitability
    of Gradualness concept has been implemented slowly, subtly and skillfully,
    so that attitudes and behavior that would have once been abhorrently
    unacceptable, are the norm in our society today. In the 21st century,
    we have and TOLERATE:

  • NAMBLA, the North American Boy Love Association - God help us!
  • homosexuals who flaunt their behavior
  • lesbians who fiercely proselytize
  • churches - and the term is loosely applied - like MCC, the Metropolitan
    Community Church, that cater to the homosexual/lesbian/bisexual
  • abortion-on-demand, nationwide
  • television programming that would have been considered pornographic
    not that many years ago
  • rampant role reversal, so that our children hardly know what is
    expected of a man or woman, or how to relate in their upcoming


    Very simply - because the warriors have left the battle, and run home to be
    COMFORTABLE, COZY, and COMPLACENT.  Shame on those of you who
    call yourselves Christians, who refuse to challenge the "status quo"!

    COMFORT ZONE. WARRIORS win battles - WIMPS bask undeservedly in
    the outcome.
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dedicated to seek
out and expose the
truth to those who
thirst after it...